Helene Paraskeva è nata ad Atene e ha studiato in Grecia, nel Regno Unito e in Italia. Vive a Roma da molti anni. Insegnante della Scuola Superiore, ha portato avanti progetti interculturali in collaborazione con ONG, Enti Locali e Università, e ha contribuito al Rapporto dell’Osservatorio sulle Migrazioni (IDOS di Caritas Migrantes, 2009, 2010 e 2011). Ha pubblicato la trilogia poetica Meltèmi (LietoColle, 2009), Lucciole Imperatrici (LietoColle, 2012) e L’odor del gelsomino egeo (La Vita Felice, 2014). Suoi racconti sono pubblicati su varie riviste e inclusi in numerose antologie, fra cui San Nicola, il Moro Perentorio (La Meridiana, 2006), Alcesti, il carro di Pickipò (Ediesse, 2006), Migrazioni e paesaggi urbani (CACIT, 2008), Lingua Madre Duemilaotto (SEB, 2008), Lo sguardo dell’altro (Mangrovie, 2008), Rondini e Ronde (Mangrovie, 2009). Tra le sue pubblicazioni si ricordano inoltre: Il Tragediometro e altre storie (racconti, Faraeditore, 2003), Città degli Imperatori (racconti, Faraeditore, 2005), Nell’uovo cosmico (romanzo, Faraeditore, 2006, segnalato Premio Grazia Deledda 2007). Ha collaborato con la rivista settimanale «Internazionale». Fa parte della Compagnia delle poete (www.compagniadellepoete.com).
Helene Paraskeva est née à Athènes et a étudié en Grèce, en Italie et a enseigné au Lycée public. Elle a réalisé des projets interculturels en collaboration avec ONG, autorités locales et universités et a contribué au Rapport de l’Observatoire sur les migrations (IDOS, Caritas Migrantes, 2009, 2010 et 2011). Elle a publié la trilogie poétique Meltemi (LietoColle, 2009), Lucioles impératrices (LietoColle, 2012) et L’odeur du jasmin de l’Égée (La Vita Felice, 2014). Ses nouvelles ont été publiées dans divers magazines et insérées dans de nombreuses anthologies, parmi lesquelles : Saint Nicolas, le Maure péremptoire (La Meridiana, 2006), Alcesti, la charrette de Pickipò (Ediesse, 2006), Migrations et paysages urbains (CACIT, 2008), Langue maternelle Deux mille huit (SEB, 2008), Le regard de l’autre (Mangrovie, 2008), Hirondelles et Rondes (Mangrovie, 2009). Parmi ses publications figurent les nouvelles : Le Tragédimètre et autres histoires (Faraeditore, 2003), Ville des empereurs (Faraeditore, 2005) et le roman Dans l’œuf cosmique (Faraeditore 2006, mention au Prix Grazia Deledda 2007). Elle a collaboré avec l’hebdomadaire Internazionale. Depuis 2009, elle fait partie de la Compagnie des poètes (www.compagniadellepoete.com).
Helene Paraskeva was born in Athens and studied in Greece, Uk and Italy. She has been living in Rome for many years now. She has taught English language and literature in State High schools and has carried out multicultural projects cooperating with NGO’s, Local Councils and Universities. She has worked for the Observatory on Migrations Report (IDOS, by Caritas Migrantes, 2009, 2010 and 2011). She has published the poetic trilogy Meltèmi (LietoColle, 2009), Empresses Fireflies (LietoColle, 2012) and The Smell of the Aegean Jasmin (La Vita Felice, 2014). Her short stories have been published in various magazines and reviews as well as a number of Anthlogies, among which San Nicolas, the Peremptory Moor (La Meridiana, 2006), Alcestis (The cart of Pickipò, Ediesse, 2006) Migrations and Urban Landscapes (CACIT, 2008) Lingua Madre 2000 (SEB2008), The Glance of the Other (Mangrovie, 2008) Swallows and Patrols (Mangrovie2009).
Among her individual publications, The Tragediometre and Other Stories (collection of short stories, Faraeditore, 2003) City of Emperors (short stories, Faraeditore, 2005) Within the Cosmic Egg (a thriller, novel, Faraeditore, 2006, shortlisted for Grazia Deledda Prize 2007). Helene Paraskeva has cooperated with the weekly Italian magazine Internazionale. She is member of the Company of Poets (www.compagniadellepoete.com).