DAMAGGIO Massimiliano



Greek -> Italian
Portuguese -> Italian

Massimiliano Damaggio was born in Italy and lives in Athens (Greece). He studied Portuguese and Hispano-American language and literature at the University of Milan. For many years he has been working on translations of contemporary and non-contemporary Brazilian and Greek authors such as Vinicius de Moraes, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Ana Martins Marques, Paulo Leminski, Ana Cristina César, Francisco Alvim, Nicolas Behr, Ferreira Gullar, Sotìris Pastàkas, Nìkos Karùzos, Vassìlis Laliòtis, Dìmitra Christodùlu, Elìas Konstantìnu, Nìkos Alèxis Aslànoglu, Yànnis Yfantìs, Lina Fytilì, Katerìna Gògu, Yòrgos Kartàkis, Spiros Aravanìs, Sofìa Yovànoglu, Chrìssa Alexìu, Éfi Kaloyeropùlu. Glikerìa Basdéki, Vàsso Christodùlu, Andréas Kentzòs, Katerìna Aggelàki Rouk. Much of his work has been published in Italian and foreign magazines (Smerilliana, Formafluens, Metapforica) and blogs (Altazor, La dimora del tempo sospeso, Versante ripido, Perigeion, Iris news, Poiein.gr, etc.). As an author he has published poetry collections Neon (Lalli, 1996), Poesia come pietra (Ensemble, 2011), Edifici pericolanti (Dot.com, 2017), Ceux qui prennent un café face à la mer (Alidade Editions, 2017. Trad. Olivier Favier) and Io scrivo nella tua lingua (Zona, 2022. Afterword Mia Lecomte); as a translator Paul Leminski, Distratti vinceremo (L’arcolaio, 2022). He is one of the founders of the Perìgeion blog (https://perigeion.wordpress.com/).