GYR Brigitte



German -> French
Italian -> French
English -> French
Spanish -> French

Brigitte Gyr is a Swiss and French poet and translator. She was born in Geneva, where she studied law and political science. She practiced as a lawyer in Geneva and in London for many years before moving to Paris in 1976. Over the course of her career, she has translated dozens of books from English, German, Italian, and Spanish: fiction and biographies (published, among others, by Ed. Denoël and Flammarion), poetry (Ed. J. Brémond; recently for the 2018 “Versopolis” project, Ed. Printemps des Poètes & La Traductière), other texts (with translation agencies in Switzerland). Over the last twenty years she has also taught creative writing workshops in prisons and to underprivileged adults and children. As a writer, she has published many poetry books, including Au Décousu de l’aile (Ed. J. Brémond, 1988), Avant je vous voyais en noir et blanc (Ed. J. Brémond, 2000, Claude Sernet Prize, 2001), La Forteresse de cendres (Ed. le Dé Bleu, 2006), Parler nu (Ed. Lanskine, 2011, SGDL Charles-Vildrac Poetry Prize, 2012), Incertitude de la note juste (Ed. Lanskine, 2014), Le vide notre demeure (Ed. La Rumeur libre, 2016). Many of her poems have been translated into English, German, Italian, Spanish, Icelandic, Arabic, Hebrew, Slovenian, and Greek. She has published art books, and books for young people. She also writes for the theatre, and her short stories have been published in literary reviews (Sarrazine, Siècle 21, Harfang, Orte, La Traductière etc.). She belongs to several authors’ organizations in France, Germany and Switzerland (SGDL, Pen Club, Kogge, Ads), and she is a founder of l’Union des Poètes & Cie.