
French -> Italian

Sarah Ventimiglia, born in Venice, lives between Paris and Marseille. She holds a doctorate in Italian Studies from Sorbonne Nouvelle University (Paris 3), with a dissertation on the relationship between poetry and prose in the work of Cesare Pavese. Teacher of Italian in France, she has translated contemporary poetry into both Italian and French including the work of Ghérasim Luca (Poesia, Crocetti, 2016) and Gabriella Maleti (Les cahiers d’Eucharis, 2016). She also contributed to the French translation of Giacomo Leopardi’s Canzoni (Paris, Le Lavoir Saint-Martin, 2014). In 2016, along with Mia Lecomte and Giovanni Solinas, she organized and led the conference “Che lingua sei. Diversità, passaporti, identità: la poesia italiana contemporanea in una prospettiva transnazionale plurilingue” (Italian Bookshop “La tour de Babel”, Paris).