
French -> English

Patrick Williamson was born in Madrid and lives near Paris. He has a BA in European Studies from UEA, Norwich, UK, and a diploma in Sub-editing and design from the London School of Journalism. He is a part-time lecturer on a Master’s degree in Translation at ESIT, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, but works primarily as a translator in the financial services sector. He is a poet and a literary translator, and has published a dozen works. Latest collections: Nel Santuario (English-Italian, Samuele Editore, 2013), Gifted (Corrupt Press, 2014), Tiens ta langue/Hold your tongue (Harmattan, 2014) and Beneficato (English-Italian, Samuele Editore, 2015).  He is the editor and translator of The Parley Tree, An Anthology of Poets from French-speaking Africa and the Arab World (Arc Publications, 2012), and translated notably Tahar Bekri, Gilles Cyr, Guido Cupani and Erri de Luca.